Slices and Good Reads


Oh boy.  So, through this writing on Slices of Life, I have also rediscovered my passion for reading.  Reading for a purpose or no purpose at all other than the shear joy of reading.  Tonight, I entered the world of Goodreads.  I think  I mostly stopped reading for pleasure because I was so caught up in having to read to learn.  I should say having to.  Wanting to.

Following our Dublin Literacy Conference, I realized how long it had been since I had read anything for me.  Just for the fun of it or discovering what is out there and popular with children today. Thank you, Donalyn Miller for that.  I read “Out of My Mind.” and have been devouring books ever since.  It reminds me of when you hook a kid on reading.  It’s a fix.  I can’t get enough of it.

I would have posted this entry a lot sooner EXCEPT I’ve been on Goodreads making a list of what I want to read and what I’ve already read and loved.  The problem is that I remember loving some of the books, but not exactly why. I am excited with the prospect of rereading and wondering if the books will still move me.  Or if they will touch me in a different way now that I am at a different point in my life.

My goal this year is to read 100 books.  I know I will get there because my children devour books.  I suppose that’s what I’ve been doing for the past 7 years is nourishing their love of reading.  A book fair is a dream, Barnes and Noble a wonderland.  They love reading.  I’m proud of that.  I shouldn’t be so behind in my own reading.  I’m looking forward to making up for lost time.  Recommendations are welcomed.

Happy Reading and Writing!

3 responses »

  1. I love goodreads. It is such a great place to collect a list of books you want to read and have read. I still need to read Out of My Mind. I keep hearing great things. Congrats on rediscovering your love for reading (for you).

  2. 100 books. It’s admirable for you to set a goal. You can make it. I have never kept count of how many books I read, may be I should. There are periods with nor reading, and periods when I am lost in books. It all depends on the time available.
    Enjoy every minute you get to read!

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